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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Visit our new website!!!

Still getting a lot of visits to this blog which I can understand but please visit our new website.
Created a new website for blog with lots of new features including a download section, a review section and a music player, I have tried to make it a bit more interactive and more of a resource for bands and labels wanting to promote themselves as people can now submit tracks from their new releases or upcoming releases, there is a download section created to allow bands to submit there own releases for free download, also submit news on bands labels new releases and a place for all those want to be reviewers looking for a place to publish their reviews a place where you can submit your reviews of records
Just launched this website this week so will keep building on it,

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Website

So we have the new website it is done on tumblr so any one who has a tumblr account can follow D-Beat Beater new website, there is a place for those of you who write reviews to upload your own reviews, will hopefully add more stuff to website including a download section of releases
So ya check out the website:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Coming soon new website

Sorry we have not done anything in the last couple of weeks have been busy trying to get a new website together which will hopefully be way better than the blog that we have at the moment and hopefully also look better and more user friendly as well. We will also have a music player bringing you some tracks from new and upcoming releases. Hopefully website will be done next week!!

Until then check out Deskarga Etilika from Portugal new music video: