Hailing from Barcelona, Spain, comes URSUS with some frantic hardcore that is tight as fuck and crusty as fuck too. Their Crusty hardcore style is fairly infectious as otherwise I do not think I would be writing about them, in thus saying that it may come as no surprise when you hear that members of URSUS have been in Cop On Fire, Ekkaia and Hongo bands to have set the bar for hardcore music but this should be no reason why you like a band it should because of URSUS's top notch tunes, check them out for yourself: Link: http://www.myspace.com/barbarianpunx
Currently URSUS are finishing up a tour of Europe so if you are lucky you might just catch a gig but if all else fails their LP is out on StoneHenge Records and Crust As Fuck Records. Below is a video of Ursus from the Swedish Leg of their tour:
New Releases: Dresden - God Has no Mercy (Profane Existence/Shaman Records) Dark crust with a metallic sound. www.Profaneexistence.org Lautstürmer - Depopulator CD/LP (Power It UP) Swedish Heavy hard hitting hardcore www.power-it-up.de Arctic Flowers - S/T 7" (Feral Ward) Exciting first release of Post-Punk/Peace Punk portland based band http://www.feralward.com/ BORN AGAINST " THE REBEL SOUND OF SHIT AND FAILURE" LP Crushing hardcore from New york band - release comp of out of print records www.prankrecords.com WORLD BURNS TO DEATH / SLANG 7" SPLIT EP (Prank Records) Two devastating hardcore bands one from USA one from Japan www.prankrecords.com CROW - THE BEATING OF THE WINGS OF DESTRUCTION 12" Pic Disc(Prank Records) Tokyo legends delivering doomy, metallic punk mayhem www.prankrecords.com ACEPHALIX "APORIA" LP/CD(Prank Records) Ultra downtuned, crushing metallic punk assault. www.prankrecords.com Disarm - Discography 1982 - 1987 Cd/2x12" (D-takt & Råpunk) Gothenburg 1980s legends Disarm Discography one of the fore runners of Scandi Hardcore www.myspace.com/dbeatrawpunk HAAVA/AVFALL split 7" EP (Black Seeds) Two Japanese Hardcore bands (nearly sold out only out friday/18th june) http://www.myspace.com/blackseedsrecords Ont Road #13 / Go Fuck Yourself #1 A split zine between travelling zine Ont Road and a new zine. ska1ska@yahoo.com
RE-Press: Krossa - S/t 7" (D-takt & Råpunk) Repress of the fast selling Japanese Distort D-Beat Hardcore www.myspace.com/dbeatrawpunk CROW " BLOODY TEAR" LP (Prank Records) Tokyo legends delivering doomy, metallic punk mayhem www.prankrecords.com CROW " NEUROTIC ORGANIZATION" 7" Red Vinyl (Prank Records) Tokyo legends delivering doomy, metallic punk mayhem www.prankrecords.com CROW "FLOCK OF BEAST" 7" Clear Vinyl (Prank Records) Tokyo legends delivering doomy, metallic punk mayhem www.prankrecords.com
Out In June: Burnt Cross/Cress split 7" (Out June on Distro-y/Tadpole + more) UK Anarcho Punk meets Legendary Anarcho Crust Punk www.distroy.webs.com Expendable Youth - The Exposing of the Immortal Truth LP(Out 7th July Distro-y) USA Metallic hardcore Crust with strong lyrics www.distroy.webs.com Only Fumes and Corpses - Who Really Cares, What Really Lasts LP/CD(Out Late June) Hard hitting Melodic Hardcore from Ireland www.myspace.com/onlyfumesandcorpses Finisterre - Bitter Songs LP (Out 28th June CONTRASZT!) Melodic Crust hailing from Germany http://diyordie.net/ Amebix - Redux (Profane Existence) three classic Amebix tracks as redone by the current lineup www.Profaneexistence.org FREDAG DEN 13:E - Under Iskallar Fanor LP (Civilization Records) Hard Hitting Swedish rocking hardcore scandi-crust http://www.civilisation-records.com/ Fall Of Efrafa - the last year DVD (Out June on Halo Of Flies) A restrospective DVD of the final year of Fall of Efrafa. http://halooffliesrecords.com/ORDER.html Downfall Of Gaia - Epos LP (out end of june) Down-tempo hardcore neo-crust(Preorder available now) http://www.myspace.com/urbandentist
General News: D-Beat Beater distro we have now start a small online webshop in which we will stock a small number of distro copies of reviewed items - all items are brand new, so if you like an item or two that has been reviewed and you want to buy just click on the picture on our side bar, or alternatively go to: http://dbeatbeater.bigcartel.com/
Profane Existence Forum, has been shut down which is sad to see the forum go as it was one of the only international DIY Punk/Crust forums but hopefully the resources put into the forum will be re-directed to other amazing Projects. http://profaneexistence.org/community
Oi Polloi documentary is finally finished and will be available on DVD in September. in the meantime here is the trailer for the DVD:
We have decided to start a new part to our webzine blog and it is simpley on the basis of new bands to look out for and just a bit of general info so hope you enjoy this band any others we feature. From Sweden arrives another great band, DESPERAT more so veterans of the punk scene if I may so, but that does not take away any of the energy they still play that infectious racket of hardcore that Sweden just churns out. "Formed in summer 2009 as a power trio." they enlisted Jocke on vocals into the band earlier this year, Their sound is best described as a raw 80s sound of just pure old school hardcore plain simple and brilliant.
Oh ya and if all of what I just said hasnt caught your attention members feature: MOB 47 and Warvictims. Expect a LP later this year but in the mean time here is a music video to give yous a taster. Link:http://www.myspace.com/desperathc
(Distort Reality) From New York come a raw punk attack outfit named Perdition, they have a sound which I find myself liking with every listen to them and other similar such bands it is of a raw punk sound with a nice bit of distortion which isnt to heavy just a bit of feedback solid hardcore sound all round. Its a mix of early 80's Scandi Hardcore like Tampere SS and Kaaos with that of Japanese distortion. Nice high voltage guitars,steady drum beats and lots of singing. Over all this is a fairly solid record and a band that are worth a few minutes of your time without doubt really early 80's feel about this record from the sound to the lyrics sheet and general layout very chaotic and very cool. www.myspace.com/distortrealityrecords
New Releases: Power Is Poison / Totalickers split 7" (Punmpkin Records) Acclaimed Spanish D-Beaters Totalickers split with Dutch Anarcho Punkers www.pumpkinrecords.co.uk GLAM - S/T 7"(La Vida Es Un Mus) Frantic Spanish ultra agressive hardcore. www.lavidaesunmus.com INSERVIBLES - demo 2008 7"(Shogun Records) Mexico Metal/Hardcore Punk with Satanic vocals. http://pagesperso-orange.fr/shogunrecordings/index2.html Totalickers - El Poder Absoluto Aniquila La Vida LP(Shogun Records) Acclaimed Barcelona D-Beaters 2nd LP http://pagesperso-orange.fr/shogunrecordings/index2.html Jesus Bruiser/Warcoma split CD (Pumpkin Records) UK anarcho-crust split with Warcoma who play epic hardcore punk www.pumpkinrecords.co.uk Toxic Holocaust / Inepsy split 12" (Tank Crimes) US thrashy rocking hardcore and Canadian Bad Ass rock n roll hardcore http://www.tankcrimes.com/ FREDAG DEN 13:E - Under Iskallar Fanor CD (Black Seeds Records) Hard Hitting Swedish rocking hardcore scandicrust http://www.myspace.com/blackseedsrecords URSUS - s/T LP (Stonehenge) Spanish D-Beat Crustcore ex-Cop On Fire, Ekkia, Leadershit http://www.stonehengerecords.com/
Out In June: Burnt Cross/Cress split 7" (Out June on Distro-y/Tadpole + more) UK Anarcho Punk meets Legendary Anarcho Crust Punk www.distroy.webs.com Expendable Youth - The Exposing of the Immortal Truth LP(Out July Distro-y) USA Metallic hardcore Crust with strong lyrics www.distroy.webs.com Only Fumes and Corpses - Who Really Cares, What Really Lasts LP/CD(Out Late June) Hard hitting Melodic Hardcore from Ireland www.myspace.com/onlyfumesandcorpses Misantropic - "Insomnia" CD (Out June) Swedish heavy hitting hardcore//Crust www.myspace.com/misantropichardcore Finisterre - Bitter Songs LP (CONTRASZT!) Melodic Crust hailing from Germany http://diyordie.net/ Disarm - Discography 1982 - 1987 Cd/2x12" (Out June on D-takt & Råpunk) Gothenburg 1980s legends Disarm Discography one of the fore runners of Scandi Hardcore http://www.myspace.com/dbeatrawpunk Krossa - S/t 7" (Out June on D-takt & Råpunk) Repress of the fast selling Japanese Distort D-Beat Hardcore http://www.myspace.com/dbeatrawpunk Fall Of Efrafa - the last year DVD (Out June on Halo Of Flies) A restrospective DVD of the final year of Fall of Efrafa.(Preorder available now) http://halooffliesrecords.com Downfall Of Gaia - Epos LP (out end of june) Down-tempo hardcore neo-crust(Preorder available now) http://www.myspace.com/urbandentist
Please send us information on upcoming and new releases as otherwise we cannot post if we do not hear about them!!
With every weekly blog post we are going to start including adverts in them this week ad is Distro-y all money from ads will go straight to printing of the next issue of D-Beat Beater which is a benefit zine for the Warzone Collective Belfast so get in contact it is very cheap to advertise.
(Sadness of Noise) This is the first full lenght LP of Shades of Grey from Sweden, which follows there split LP with Massmord which if you havent heard yet, Stop reading this review and get yourself a copy then please come back and read this review and then go get this LP as it to is as perfect. Shade of grey kick off with a nice dark slow intro before seriously ripping up with their brand of hard hitting melodic Crustcore, this seems to be a theme that contiues throughout the record dulging into these slow bleak doomy sounding strums of a guitar slowly lining you up before knocking you down with a wall of brutal crustcore. It seems to be the done thing by many bands and it can get a bit repetitive but not if you are listening Shades of Grey, who set the bar that bit higher with this record. Kick ass band and kick ass record!!!
New Releases: A//Political - LP/CD + Book (Threat To Existence) Discography of one the most influential Anarcho Peace Punk bands in recent years http://WWW.THREATTOEXISTENCE.COM Electric Funeral - Make A Change Cassette (Distort The World Recs) Raw Distort D-Beat Punk from Sweden think Disclose/Warvictims distorttheworldrec@gmail.com Mørkt Kapittel - S/T 7" (Radio Schizo Records) fast, angry, melodic hardcore along the lines of totalitar and From Ashes Rise kjsandvi@broadpark.no http://myspace.com/morktkapittel 1000 Drunken Nights - Blank Cheque for Peace? CD (Carbomb Records) Long awaited album from Belfast punks 100 Drunken Nights http://www.myspace.com/carbombrecords Thou/ Mohoram Atta - degradation of human life Split LP (Halo of Flies) Repress of a mammoth crushing split of CA blackened HC and NOLA doom. http://halooffliesrecords.com/ORDER.html Northless - leaving the wolves CASS (Halo of Flies) the last unreleased tracks recorded in the original 2 piece lineup, this tape is six songs of misanthropic, sludgy doom/post metal. http://halooffliesrecords.com/ORDER.html MAXIMUMROCKNROLL #326 - July 2010 Interviews with SLANG (Jap), SEDITION(Scotland), CIRCLE PIT (Oz) TRASH KIT (UK) + more http://maximumrocknroll.com/2010/06/04/mrr-326/
Out In June: Burnt Cross/Cress split 7" (Out June on Distro-y/Tadpole + more) UK Anarcho Punk meets Legendary Anarcho Crust Punk www.distro-y.webs.com Disarm - Discography 1982 - 1987 Cd/2x12" (Out June on D-takt & Råpunk) Gothenburg 1980s legends Disarm Discography one of the fore runners of Scandi Hardcore http://www.myspace.com/dbeatrawpunk Krossa - S/t 7" (Out June on D-takt & Råpunk) Repress of the fast selling Japanese Distort D-Beat Hardcore http://www.myspace.com/dbeatrawpunk Fall Of Efrafa - the last year DVD (Out June on Halo Of Flies) A restrospective DVD of the final year of Fall of Efrafa. http://halooffliesrecords.com/ORDER.html
News from The Punk World:
they will play two final shows: Pisschrist the great Australian D-Beaters have called it a day after 7 years of all out war: 31 JULY 2010 ARTHOUSE, MELBOURNE W/ MINDSNARE,EXTORTION, 01 AUGUST 2010 FREE ALL AGES SHOW, MELBOURNE W/ TEARGAS (MORE INFO SOON) http://www.myspace.com/dbeatholocaust
A MEANS TO AN END... Festival in Bradford has been announced to be on this year once again on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th OCTOBER 2010 at the 1in12 Club in Bradford, UK. It is a benefit for the legendary autonomous social centre more info to follow: http://www.myspace.com/meanstoanendfestival http://www.1in12.com/
This weekend sees Punk Illegal Festival in Munkelda in Sweden probably one of the biggest dates of the punk calendar with this years line-up containg Doom, Riistetyt, From Ashes Rise, Extinction of Mankind and many more http://punkillegal.com/
(Distort the World Recs) And I thought the first tape was good. This is another 8 - tracks of 1 minute and something of pure distort D-beat. I feel the songs on this are a bit more catchier especially my favourite track 'Warface' great little sample intro for it. This is some brutal distort and played exactly perfect it is infectious noise that you cannot stop listening to. The lyrics hold up as good as the noise with songs about Consumerism, the training for the mentality of war, and how we are slaves to TV and the internet. This is some very solid stuff and I can see them becoming a strong element of distort D-Beat in the next few months with their releases beginning to start to line up. If you like Noise punk get this tape and their first and everything else they release.
(Distort the World Recs) I dont know much about this band except I really like them. This is there first demo of pure distort d-beat noise and its great, high in distort and high in quality, I often feel that with distort the noise can be to high and it ruins the tracks but this is done perfectly you can hear everything perfectly behind the high voltage distort. 8 tracks in all of this d-beat noise attack of songs about Animal Rights, the death of mother earth, Bomb raids and D-Beat Noise Attack. This ticks all the boxs for me from lyrical content to the high octane Noise down to the typical but well laid-out cover and lyrics and is well worth checking out The electric blue cassette tape really complements the name as well.
But ya if you like distorted D-takt you will love this. (Alex Distro-y)
(Mankind Disasters) The second album from this band from Slovenia, this first came out on CD and I had heard it was coming out on vinyl so I delayed for around year before I could get my hands on it, well worth the wait gate-fold cover and coloured vinyl, but nevermind that stuff the music itself is fantastic and crustal sound that reminds me a lot of Scotitsh Anarcho/crust bands like Scatha, Sedition and Constant Fear with lyrical subjects dealing with Animal Liberation, Homophobia and other sorts of topics along the same lines. Anaeroba have a great sound that is kinda of 10 years behind the sound of crust today which seems to be all the slowed down epic build ups and this is great as it is playing stuff that we love but it is only played by bands that seem not to exist anymore. Real kinda filthy Crust that seems to take the best parts of the best bands and mash it into their sound. Artwork done by Stiv. Tis great stuff and well worth checking out.
(Happy Releases) After twenty years since their last recordings, Anthrax newest recordings are offered in the form of a mini CD named after the two songs featured "Welcome" and "One Last Drop". I have felt that Anthrax were one of the best Anarcho bands who were offered up by the 80's but I also think of them as one of the least appreciated bands of that era, In this recording they seem to have changed their sound to one of a slower pace and I keep feeling the raw aggression and passion you hear from their older recordings in songs like "Exploitation" "Capitalism is Cannibalism" isn't there, Overall it sounds like a different band and in "One Last Drop" nearly more of an 'Oi!' sound is creeping in with "Woooaahh"'s being introduced but this does not take away what the songs is about it is of strong lyrical content with the song I feel about a lack of protest today and government getting away with murder. The other song "Welcome" also gives a similar sound except even slower, but once again lyrically strong. I prefer older sound than these songs, which sound like a totally different band has written them which is understandable after the 20 years it is a long time, lyrically you cannot knock this band, they out shine most bands today, and the artwork continues on same lines as of their discography LP - One Last Drop Overall it is not a bad release I found myself enjoying songs more and more with every listen but just dont expect to listen to the same Anthrax as of before. (Alex Distro-y)
This is a webzine blog which is design to give weekly updates on new and upcoming releases as well as other news on Festivals and all other types of info.
We appreciate you sending us any news on releases so if you are in a band/run a label/distro please e-mails us any news: dbeatpics@rocketmail.com
Every Thursday should see the announcement of weekly new releases as well as an update on such things as upcoming releases. However we need help in hearing so its up to bands/labels to inform us. Just get in contact through our e-mail
D-Beat Beater
If you would like to send in anything for review e-mail us and we will supply you with an address.