(Mankind Disasters)
The second album from this band from Slovenia, this first came out on CD
and I had heard it was coming out on vinyl so I delayed for around year
before I could get my hands on it, well worth the wait gate-fold cover and
coloured vinyl, but nevermind that stuff the music itself is fantastic and
crustal sound that reminds me a lot of Scotitsh Anarcho/crust bands like
Scatha, Sedition and Constant Fear with lyrical subjects dealing with Animal
Liberation, Homophobia and other sorts of topics along the same lines.
Anaeroba have a great sound that is kinda of 10 years behind the sound of
crust today which seems to be all the slowed down epic build ups and this is
great as it is playing stuff that we love but it is only played by bands that
seem not to exist anymore. Real kinda filthy Crust that seems to take the
best parts of the best bands and mash it into their sound. Artwork done by
Stiv. Tis great stuff and well worth checking out.
(Alex Distro-y)
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